Sorry - this item has been discontinued by Medela and is no longer available.
Try the brand new SoftFit breastshield by Medela! This is a new and improved replacement for the Medela breastshields formerly known as "PersonalEase" or "ComfortEase"
- A soft massaging breastshield that comfortably and effectively stimulates the breast and areola.
- Imitates a baby's sucking action on the breast better than any other shield.
- The shield provides baby-like action during pumping, helping to encourage milk flow.
- Soft sides of the shield massage the mother while pumping.
- Works with all Medela pumps and kits except for Little HeartsTM Manual Breastpump.
- SoftFit Breastsheilds are intended for standard size nipples.
Please note: PersonalFit Connectors are required, and they are sold separately below for $7.95 per pair. The SoftFit shield does not include the valve/membrane assembly, but you can use the valve membrane assemblies that were included with the standard breastshields when you purchased your breastpump. Additional valve/membrane assemblies can be ordered below.
This breastshield is not compatible with the Medela Hands-Free pumping kit.
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